Eloquent Orator's Clan - 3 AUG 62

Fri 3 Aug 62
E X P E R I M E N T   I N   D E M O C R A C Y
A Plea To Those Still Sensitive To The Glory Of Mankind & Humanity
According to Arnold Toynbee’s massive scholarly studies on the subject there have been 22 Civilizations which rose, prospered, grew fat, decayed and died. Rome & Greece are the best known to us. Many responsible writers feel that ours too, the 23rd, is ripe with the symptoms of that cancerous dying out of a wh0le, healthy people.  However, never before in the history of the world has any one organization of man-animals developed so many technical instruments and so much behavioral knowledge to guide the human condition as has our civilization.  We have the know-how to stop the decline.  But do we have the Will?  Read Norman Cousins, Robert Linder, Geo Orwell, Huxley.
   With nuclear spines bristling the planet, with the Red tide rising, where does one run and hide? Ask the courageous heroes at the Pass of Thermopolae’ the hopeless defenders of doomed Warsaw, the stand at the Berlin Wall. It’s simple. You don’t run and hide. You just chuckle, spit on y our hands, roll up your intellectual and spiritual sleeves, and enjoy the noble combat for Life and Justice.  It always has been thus.  It always will be thus.  We have no room on the stimulating firing line of Mankind & Humanity for the less-than-courageous’ for the less-than-noble. This society has adequately shown how efficiently it can encourage and reward mediocrity and deception and insensitivity.  Well, then, shall you and I, Camerado, protest this trend? Shall we stand back to back and say, “Thermopolae is within me. I shall not desert The Pass, Myself, even tho the horde retreats to its momentary safety and comfort. My sword shall be the Torch of Knowledge. My battle cry shall be the gloriously impractical idealism of: ‘Truth! Beauty! Goodness!”
   If you accept the delightful challenge, Camerado, you are in sterling company. You stroll the peaceful trails of time with Socrates and Jesus and Thoreau and Walt Whitman and Justice Douglas and many more who make their presence known every time you dare to take up a worth-while book.  If you accept the challenge as just the normal, un-neurotic condition of today’s Reality and today’s Search For Happiness, then you are setting your sights beyond mere excellence. You are sighting in on the stars. You are sighting in on your own unique Greatness.  It is your choice to make. No one can demand you pick up the flickering torch.  In fact, by subtle attrition, you will be encouraged to let it lay there – until the precious spark of Love and Forebearance and Evolution flickers out for the last time.  What is your choice? Do you choose to be Great in your own way, or merely a follower of the less-than-great?  The Universe starts; Greatness starts with the heart of a child. You are that child.
   This, then is the final question: Can we teach Democracy, effectively working  Democracy to children? Democracy is the method whereby the howling, snarling, snapping pack of man-animals organizes itself sufficiently under chosen leadership so as to get its necessary chores of living down in such a way that each individual retains the best parts of his individuality and spirit, thus using his leisure time to dream up further creative contributions to the progress of his community.  This applies to the family, the neighborhood, the city, the nation and the world-community... as well as to your Camp on Laughing Coyote Mt.  Our Experiment of this day, when I withdrew entirely from leadership, has given some of us much thought to ponder. The Privilege of FREEDOM of PESONAL CHOICE D E M A N D S YOU ASSUME THE responsibility OF HELPING SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF Life, rather than becoming just one more part of those problems. 
   Can we teach effective Democracy to children? Meditate this for a few  years as I have for the past 10.  What do you think? We already know what the modern Ceasars and Hitlers and the Stalins think as they sneer and wait for us to break and let down our guard of Democracy.

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