Gay Philosopher's Clan - 22 JUL 61

22 Jul 61

Dry out in the hot sun after the rain. Sleepign bags. Sanitation & cleanliness exercise: it’s to our long-range advantage out in the wilderness to keep clean. Scrubbed clothes, diapers & selves. After breakfast discussion: What is Science? (Method of verifiable measuring with numbers). Units of measure: Feet, Libres, Angstroms, Watts. Decibels, Brithis Thermal Units.
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By Muscle Back Scott
   To me, a sunset has a power to actually lure a person who has the right feeling for it. I can watch a sunset until the last outline of the Divide is pitch dark and still be fascinated by it. During the height of the sunset its vivid colors reach out and take hold of you. You are held in the vice-like grip of Beauty and Peacefulness. This is what really puts your imagination to work. It seems that imagination is something that very few people exercise these days. My thought is that they don’t have this exceedingly wonderful sense of power of mind and heart because of the increased use of such things as TV, which only require us to gawk passively. Television is such a predestined thing.  It is merely used to fight off boredom. On the other hand, meditation is twice as good.  Meditation turns ON the mind and makes it what it should be: a thinking tool.  It’s a pity that more people don’t use their minds to anywhere near full capacity. A smooth-working mind is a wonderful thing that needs more respect and encouragement than most people gie it. And most important of all, a clear mature mind is the only wa to spiritual happiness.
  What would you do if this frantic yell came at you when you were least expecting it: “20- Minutes to get everything you’ll need for surviving for an indefinite number of weeks in the rugged, rocky wilds! Roll it into your sleeping bag: food, clothing change, a morale book...Lash it to your pack-frame. Axe, fry pan, poncho, matches, toilet paper.  Go go go go! 19 minutes left!”
   Just at short-sundown over yonder ridge this scream went up from Lingto. Everything was dropped and we ran for our lean-tos, slapped together our basic Maximum Survival Rolls. Dashed around in man massed chaos getting the things which should have been ready and in place all the time. Flying arms, legs and words.  Panic.  But by gosh in 20 minutes we were fully loaded and trudging up the trail at a slow, steady grind. At every rest stop, Super-Aeriation; Open the mouth and throat like a watermelon could fit in then force all air out and suck in full.  Giddy feeling from oxygen intoxication. Hard, hard march.  But a little deprivation and discipline never hurt anyone. And it might help us some day. Finally made it to the crest in time to see the “Pioneer Covered Wagon Sunset.”  Set up camp. Buckeye Joe and Salt pork for supper.
As Observed by Stalking Hunter
Campfire. Lingo yarned “Charlie” with new addition of “Charlie’s Varmint” which lives up on the 10,000 Ft crest. We got a hankerin to see the lights of Denver,  so in the brilliant moonlight everyone set out with axes to clear off a couple dozen trees obstructing the view.  Fatigue... Now a good nite’s rest ----- “EEEeeeeekkkk!!!” All sleeping bags invaded by hordes of Lady Bugs up there having a convention! So all thru the nite: “Zzzz.. Eeek.. Slap.. Zzzz.. Eeek.. Slap...” Falcon was counting shooting stars – “3, 4, 5”. Just before dawn: “Shooting Star number two thousand one hundred thirty six...” – “Falcon! Go! To! Sleep!”  All got up to watch Dawn Boy Birthing out of the eastern Great Plains.  Down to Base Camp. Return the area to Naure. So long All!
The End of a Most Perfect Week.........

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